Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Both men and women over 40 go through menopause (for women) and andropause (for men). This is the time when the ovaries, testicles and other endocrine system glands decrease the production of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. As the hormones become more unbalanced, you can begin to experience physical, psychological and cognitive issues can begin to surface and interfere with your health and well being.
For women, if you’ve been experiencing depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, and/or memory/concentration problems; you could benefit from BHRT.
For men, if you’ve been suffering from decreased energy, loss of muscle tone, low libido, moodiness and memory problems, you could benefit from BHRT.
BHRT stands for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. This hormone therapy is given to help you maintain optimal hormone levels. Hormone therapy can help men and women reduce the risks of many of the diseases associated with aging, including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke and senility.
Bioidentical hormones are made from natural plant extracts that are biologically compatible with your body’s chemistry; they are structural replicas of the hormones produced by your body’s endocrine system. Unlike bioidentical hormones, synthetic hormones are made in a lab and are not molecularly identical to gland created hormones.
Cells that have hormone receptors will always accept bioidentical hormones. While synthetic cells must be must be reconstituted within your cells before your body will fully accept them. This can increase the potential risk of side effects for those who choose to do synthetic hormone replacement therapy.
BHRT is becoming a more popular alternative way of naturally treating hormone imbalances. With BHRT you can avoid many of the health risks that could happen when using synthetic hormones. BHRT can help you regain your health and vitality.
Hormones are not just responsible for your reproduction and sexual characteristics but can also help with a variety of functions that can help prevent certain diseases and disorders. By keeping your hormones balanced you could reduce your risk of developing:
You body needs progesterone in order to keep estrogen from building up in your bloodstream. When you don’t have enough progesterone in your system, it can lead to an estrogen dominance which can cause fatigue, anxiety, fibroids, breast cancer and endometriosis.
Progesterone has its own benefits, like, lower blood pressure, natural antidepressant, improve sleep patterns, increase metabolism and stimulate bone production.
For men, much of the aging process includes changes to their bodies. These changes can include loss of muscle mass, increased fat – especially around their chest and middles. Much of this is directly related to declining testosterone output.
BHRT has been shown to not only decrease body fat but also improve grip and muscle strength in the arms and legs. There are ongoing studies pointing towards the benefits of testosterone in older men. Studies show that men who are over 70 are more vulnerable to falling and having bone fractures than women. Testosterone could help with this frailty.
When men use BHRT to restore balance to their hormones they also will experience benefits like more energy, better libido, better mood, and overall a sense of well being. Testosterone is responsible for brain function and cognition in men, and when men go through andropause, sometimes they may find themselves becoming more forgetful. Many times a lack of concentration and clarity are all signs of low testosterone in men over 40.
You can learn more about BHRT and the many benefits it has to offer by calling our office today. Our staff would be happy to answer any and all questions you might have! Call us today at (720) 507-2814.